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0Southern Gulf Islands ferry update
December 8, 2016
Details on ferry service changes. Southern Gulf Islands ferry service update from the horse’s mouth. A must read for Southern Islanders.
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BC Ferries CEO resigns
September 8, 2016
BC Ferries CEO Mike Corrigan has announced his resignation. Corrigan will step down on March 31 of 2017, leaving time for BC Ferries to find his replacement.
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Early summer traffic continuing cause for dancing in the halls
August 25, 2016
Brian Hollingshead compares BC Ferries’ year-over year data to give us an accurate summer traffic picture—before and after the economic crash and fare increases.
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BC Ferries’ new Southern Gulf Islands schedule
July 14, 2016
BC Ferries has announced the schedule for the new Southern Gulf Islands ferries, which will go into affect in early 2017 with the arrival of the Queen of Nanaimo’s replacements, Salish Eagle and Salish Raven. Brian Hollingshead takes a close look at the pros and cons of the schedule.
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New, new SGI ferry schedules; read and take the survey
December 10, 2015
Brian Hollingshead, Chair of the Southern Gulf Islands Ferry Advisory Committee shows the major changes that this iteration of the proposed schedule for the new ferries will cause. Mainland-Islands weekend direct-sailing overloads would shift from summer to winter—a novel change! However very long transfer journeys would be avoided by routing those destined for islands close to Swartz Bay through that port. Saturna is still left without a viable weekday turnaround time to Vancouver Island.
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Ferry schedule shake-up sets off a tsunami of opposition
September 3, 2015
With the replacement of the Queen of Nanaimo in early 2017, BC Ferries has announced radical schedule changes that could destroy island communities, say residents. Public meetings saw record turn-outs and strong opposition.
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Saturna Notes: BC Ferries - Priscilla Ewbank
September 3, 2015
The creative, dynamic communities of the southern gulf islands are in danger of losing their connectivity and the means to support themselves if BC Ferries’ new schedules scheme was to come into effect. Island residents are banding together to protect their vibrant home.
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Saturna Notes: BC Ferries’ proposed schedule will destroy the community
August 20, 2015
Cutting off businesses from inter-island customers and suppliers, longer trips on ferries, less time in town to get supplies on Vancouver Island, inability to connect to doctors, homecare, inability to transfer big vehicles at changed connection port, not enough capacity for summer visitors—and the list goes on—all will tear Saturna’s community to shreds.
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Salish-Class ferry names announced
August 6, 2015
With the help of the public, BCFerries has chosen iconic names for the three intermediate-class vessels being built in Poland.
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Ferry schedules change with new ferries
August 6, 2015
August public meetings are set to discuss southern Gulf Islands ferry schedules for the 2017 replacement of Tsawwassen–Gulf Islands ships. Routes 5 & 5A will be changed too. Help create the new timetables.
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Ferries’ southern islands’ cuts
October 16, 2014
No double runs on winter Friday nights for Queen of Nanaimo and she won’t sail at all on Wednesdays between January and March. Check BC Ferries' website schedule!
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BC Ferries: report shows opportunities foregone
October 2, 2014
‘Boatswains to the Bollards’, report reveals how BC Ferries has affected the BC economy. Fare increases may have been good for the corporation’s bottom line, but resulted in foregone opportunities to maintain and stimulate economic activity on the coast and enhance government tax revenue.
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BC Ferries Route Nº9 winter weekend service cuts avoided?
July 10, 2014
To save fuel costs, BC Ferries propose Route 9 service cuts on weekends; but ferry advisory committees suggest cutting winter Wednesdays instead.
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New ferries in the works
July 10, 2014
The contract to build 3 Intermediate Class ferries has been let. The first of the ships, replacing Queens of Burnaby and Nanaimo, is expected to arrive in two years.
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Defending marine highways
March 20, 2014
Priscilla Ewbank give an islands-eye view of the rally on the Legislature lawn against service cuts on rural routes—read it like it was.
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Ferry Cut Savings Route By Route
February 20, 2014
What the scheduled, April 1, ferry cuts will save on each of the coastal routes.
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Ferry crisis unnecessary, says FACC
Nov 07, 2013
Chronic underfunding has caused the entire ferry funding crisis, say the coast’s Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs. If funding were restored to the level of the rest of BC’s transportation infrastructure the problem would be solved.
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Ferry Commissioner approves building three new vessels
Aug 15, 2013
BC Ferries has issues a Request for Pre-Qualification for construction of three intermediate class ferries for Routes 9 and 17. Issues about cafeteria service and open decks remain for these ships that must cross the Strait in all weather. The ships may use LNG.
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Queen of Burnaby replacement gets cool reception
May 23, 2013
Vessel replacement plans for an open-deck vessel on Route 17 (Comox-Powell River) were less than warmly received on Texada and in Powell River. Lower car capacity and the problem of reaching people capacity with ‘footsies’ were also brought up.
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Ferries plan open deck ships for Routes Nº9 and Nº17
May 9, 2013
A series of open houses let Islanders know of BC Ferries plans for replacement of the venerable Queens of Burnaby and Nanaimo. Open decks and cafeterias seem to be the current burning questions. Look at concept plans, charts and photos.
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Ferry finance should be part of highways
May 9, 2013
In a recent report, Gordon Wilson goes through the history to make a case for the ‘fairness’ of including the ferry system in BC’s public transport infrastructure.
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Crash investigation finds electronic and human failures
March 28, 2013
Transportation Safety Board finds that an electronic failure compounded by a failure to run a routine test and crew unfamiliarity with the purpose of an emergency switch led to the collision of Coastal Inspiration with the Duke Point dock, putting the ferry out of action for 3 weeks and the dock out of action for 3 months.
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Victoria nearly moved to Alberta—fun with figures
March 28, 2013
Calculate driving costs and compare them to ferry costs for the same distance and you will find that, with fare increases, places on the coast have moved very far apart
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Horseshoe Bay Terminal assessment settled
February 28, 2013
From $20 (yes) to $47million. On appeal, BC Ferries’ West Vancouver terminal has been changed back to something close to the original assessment. How could that have happened?
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Ferries consultation: participants question and correct data
November 29, 2012
The Ministry of Transportation’s consultant presents a pretty package, but the BC Ferries engagement process asks the wrong questions and used inaccurate information, according to ferry users, advisors and union members.
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Denman Island cable ferry to be built, operational within two years
November 29, 2012
BC Ferries is determined to try out its often criticized, ‘experimental’ cable ferry idea. It expects to announce, within one year, the contractor who will build a cable ferry system between Denman and Vancouver Islands. As the corporation was unable to find a private contractor who could offer the service at an acceptable level of safety and quality, at a lower cost, BCF will operate the run, after construction is complete in 2014.
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Ferries belong to the Islands
November 29, 2012
Patrick Brown offers practical solutions for BC Ferries, through perspectives developed during 25 years of coastal ferry travel and study. The discussion should focus on the 'sustainability of the coastal communities' (one quarter of BC), of which the ferries are an integral part, says Brown.
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Ferries consultation plan falls short
November 15, 2012
Instead of consulting the already established advisory groups, the Ministry of Transportation is holding a rushed public ‘engagement’ process. Will this make service cuts acceptable? Will it help plan the future of BC Ferries?
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Fare increases and service reductions?
October 18, 2012 | Patrick Brown
Ferry sailings on many routes are being cut, and rates are going up by 12% over three years. Will last year’s public consultation and another coming up completely fail to address the needs of ferry users?
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Ferry Act changes raise same old questions
May 17, 2012
At first glance, amendments to the Coastal Ferry Act look good. However $25 million of the $79.5 million promised over 4 years is going toward last year’s shortfall and has no impact on future affordability. The remainder will be a drop in the bucket. Amendments have opened the door to sailing cuts, route changes, and less service. Not so good.
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Ferry Commissioner rejects BC’s Coastal Ferry Act principles
February 9, 2012 | Patrick Brown
'We can find no other example where the primary responsibility of the regulator is to put the interests of a monopoly operator before those of the public,' states the BC Ferry Commission's January 24 report. Patrick Brown analyses the Commission's 31 recommendations for BC Ferry Services Inc.
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An arrival too sudden: Duke Point crash
January 12, 2012 | Patrick Brown
The Duke Point ferry terminal is closed indefinitely, after the Super-C Class ship Coastal Inspiration crashed into the dock on December 20. The ‘electronic failure’ cited as the reason for the crash is under investigation. Meanwhile, an FOI request reveals documents showing that the Super-C Cass ships are just plain hard to stop; the choice of constant-speed motors in the design means that there is very little room for error, reports Patrick Brown. Is this another ferry fiasco…?
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Examining the cable ferry proposal for Denman Island
January 12, 2012 | Doug Christie and Pete Kimmerley
A cable ferry between Denman Island and Buckley Bay looks like a cost-saving measure. But has BC Ferries properly considered all the angles—from replacing cables, to rough routes for smooth-sailing ferries? Doug Christie, a retired engineer, and Pete Kimmerley, a retired senior master with BC Ferries, consider this ‘experiment'. Yet another fiasco in the making?
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Fuel surcharge fooferaw
December 15, 2011 | Patrick Brown
It turns out that the December 12 fuel surcharge increase was not 'extraordinary'.
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Plans for Denman Island cable ferry a surprise
October 6, 2011 | Sara Miles
The idea was briefly floated two years ago. Now BC Ferries' plan to build a cable ferry from Denman to Buckley Bay seems set in stone. Is it too late for residents' concerns to be taken into account?
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The Minus Touch
September 8, 2011 | Patrick Brown
Everything King Midas touched turned to gold. Unfortunately BC had Premier Minus. Commentary on how Campbell set BCFerries up to fail.
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Ferry corporation losing money, sells office building
July 14, 2011
Patrick Brown examines the financial mess that the BC Ferry Corporation is in, and how it got there.
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Editorial: Full Astern
July 14, 2011
Reasons for BC Ferries' privatization and the impacts, as well as the need for a new direction.
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Printed ferry schedules... for now
June 30, 2011
The new black-and-white ferry schedules are saving BC Ferries money, but will they go even further and eliminate them completely?
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Ferry advisory on freezing fares
June 16, 2011
The Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs call for a 3-year fare freeze.
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Fare increases can devastate local communities
June 2, 2011
The Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs demonstrate the impacts of soaring ferry fares on coastal communities. The Coastal Ferries Act breaks the long-time social contract, say FACCs.
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Rebranding a 'Queen'
May 5, 2011
Priscilla Ewbank reviews the lounge refit of Southern Gulf Islands Route 5A ship Mayne Queen: uncomfortable, cold and not family friendly—a westcoast cultural loss.
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BC Ferries ships' officers refuse 'management' packages
May 5, 2011
80% of BC Ferries ships' officers offered 'management' packages have refused them. Union-busting may go wrong - competition from deep-sea work may make it difficult to crew ferries. A closer look at the ins-and-out of the arbitration ruling which excluded 155 officers from the union last October. Meanwhile, the arbitration ruling is under appeal.
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Future Fare & Service Changes
April 21, 2011
Despite BC Ferry Commission's preliminary approval, Minister Blair Lekstrom says future ferry fares are also under review. A new set of proposed radical service changes were revealed in the Commissioners' report.
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Queens in trouble - Southern Gulf Islands ferries have a tough season
December 9, 2010
Not only is the capacity of the Bowen Queens a problem, now the Queen of Burnaby is having trouble coping with winter weather and mechanics. Will it all be over on December 16? Page 1
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Cultural Impacts on Minor Routes
December 9, 2010
Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs report on the impact of continuing ferry increases on Island communities. Page 2
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Cumberland refit gives ferry riders fits
November 11, 2010
Southern Gulf Islands favourite ferry is out of action till Christmas. The smaller substitute Bowen Queen is causing passengers to show up hours early to ensure loading.
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BC Ferries Board Splits
October 14, 2010
Duplication of directors of BC Ferry Authority and BC Ferry Services Inc. boards have been discontinued; the separation was recommended by the Comptroller General.
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Editorial: Foot in Mouth Disease
October 14, 2010
Why, in the politically separate BC Ferries, are politicians making decisions on how to spend the $100 million duty remission, and will their 2% decrease in fares be a precedent setting minor-route subsidy?
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Gulf Islanders concerned about future ferry fares
September 16, 2010
BC Ferries faces increasing costs, particular for the replacement of a fleet of aging vessels on the smaller routes. Without a contribution from the provincial government will fares rise?
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Queen of Burnaby will cover Route 9
September 2, 2010
With the Queen of Nanaimo in refit late this fall, the Queen of Burnaby will replace her.
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Drop trailer problem dropped on Ferry Commission
May 27, 2010
BC Ferries has started as 'drop trailer' service in its main routes. Seaspan, who for years had a virtual monopoly on the business have cried 'no fair'. An accountants' nightmare, the government has bounced the wrangle to the Ferry Commission.
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Ferry Act Amendment
May 13, 2010
Amendments to the Coastal Ferry Act provide for public input into ferry decision making.
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US fast ferry test in Plumper Sound
April 29, 2010
Americans will test new-design hydro-foil assisted catamaran passenger ferry in Plumper Sound. Is this design an answer for BC Ferries?
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Ferry committee chairs seek Coastal Ferry Act changes; also commitment to 'modest and predictable' fare increases
April 15, 2010
The Coastal Ferry Act needs an overhaul. As currently structured, fares will continue to soar on minor routes and the public service mandate will be further damaged. FAC present an alternative structure already used in Scotland.
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April 1 Ferry
April 1, 2010
Remotely Operated Ferries (ROF) might be a foolish idea but not on April 1.
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What's up? Ferry fares, of course
March 4, 2010
Ferry fares have risen by more than 50% since BC Ferries Inc was 'privatized' in 2003. Calls from the Comptroller General, the Ferry Advisory Chairperson, the Islands Trust, UBCM, and the Associaton of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities urge the government to step in and take up its responsibility of service to coastal communities.
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Northern Expedition could leave from Tsawwassen
March 4, 2010
In a bid for more cruise passengers, a northern service route will be diverted to Tsawwassen terminal once a fortnight. Northern towns fear loss of jobs.
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Ferries: reduced fares, more traffic
December 17, 2009
Ferries’ president David Hahn credits summer’s Coastsaver fares for increased traffic and revenues. But rising fares over the past few years have decreased ridership. Sensitivity to fares works both ways.
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Minister considers, then ignores, first ferry report recommendation
December 3, 2009
By immediately reappointing a director of the BC Ferry Authority to The BC Ferry Services board, Minister Bond says her commitment to consider the Comptroller-General's report. The Comptroller-General's key criticsim of ferry system governance was the overlap of the two boards.
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Fire & Service Cuts
October 22, 2009
BC ferries are a vital part of BC's infrastructure; a consistent and affordable service, which may not fit a 'profitability' model, is characteristic of infrastructure.
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Lower fares, more traffic on summer ferries
September 24, 2009
Special summer fares on certain routes give clear evidence that higher fares reduce traffic and revenues. However, CEO David Hahn attributes increased revenue to good weather.
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Ferries post first quater loss, fuel savings
August 27, 2009
Higher expenses and reduction in ridership cause of first quarter loss but a fuel rebate on the minor routes is a bonus to passengers.
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Ferries facing perfect storm
July 2, 2009
BC Ferries annual report shows a financial perfect storm in the offing for the 'privatized' company. A combination of all the original restructure plan's worst case scenarios have come true. Time for government to step in?
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Minor routes: summer fares canned
April 9, 2009
BC Ferries has eliminated the peak season fares on minor routes. Except for the Tsawwassen—Gulf Islands run, all other minor route fares will be the same year-round.
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Fares Less, Staff Less
January 29, 2009
BC Ferries has announced that, instead of fuel surcharges, they will offer fuel rebates on minor routes and the Horseshoe Bay-Langdale route, starting February 12, 2009. BC Ferries CEO David Hahn has annouced that in the face of a ‘significant drop in ferry ridership’ and resulting reduced revenues, the company has ‘transitioned’ 35 management and administrative positions.
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Super C-Class design problems surface
December 11, 2008
Drawings and exclusive, on-site photos help explain what's wrong with the new vessels from Germany.
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BCFS 2nd Quarter Report Revealing
December 11, 2008
Anything but increased fares are blamed for reduced ridership (and revenues) in second quarter report. BCFS also reveals grandiose plans - perhaps it should stick to its core business, transporting British Columbians.
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BC Cabinet did not hedge its bet in ferries' privatization
November 27, 2008
The BC government did not make sufficient provision for factors affecting its privatization of BC Ferries Crown corporation in 2003. Some hazards it knew about and they were apparently ignored - others it should have protected against. Poor management of a public resource.
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BC Ferries short-term bail-out
October 30, 2008
The BC government has give BC Ferries $20million to reduce fares by 30% for two months, and restore service cuts on Sunshine Coast route.
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Anatomy of a body blow
October 16, 2008
How come the BC Liberal government can take the toll off the Coquihalla Highway but yet not bring the coastal ferry subsidy back to its former state?
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Without strategic change ferry service will collapse, says advisory committee
August 7, 2008
‘A strategic approach is urgently required both to immediately mitigate the impact of excessive fare-shock and to develop a transportation service that will be resilient to anticipated changing conditions. The absence of such an approach will likely lead to a collapse of BC Ferries’ business plan for the routes in question and to irreversible damage to the vulnerable coastal communities they serve’—Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs’ (FACC) were responding to massive fuel surcharges implemented on August 1.
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Island Tides Editorial: Heading for the Rocks on Auto-pilot
August 7, 2008
The fuel surcharges of 9 to 17% introduced last weekend, bring ferry fares to the boiling point.
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Unprecedented 'leave-behinds' on Galiano-Tsawwassen ferry
July 24, 2008
On Saturday evening, July 5, between 30 and 50 travellers were left behind at Sturdies Bay, Galiano Island, as the Queen of Nanaimo departed for Tsawwassen. They blocked the ramp and asked the ship’s Captain to speak to them. He came down to the car deck and did so; and then he called Galiano’s RCMP officer to disperse them. They were angry, they were not taking no for an answer—they had good reason to be angry.
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BC Ferries seeks 20% fuel surcharge
June 26, 2008
BC Ferries CEO declares August fare increases up to 9% on major routes, and 20% on minor route to cover recent increases in the price of marine diesel fuel.
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Traffic flat, earnings down for BC Ferries
June 26, 2008
As fares rise, projected traffic growth has not occurred. Corporation capital debt up $239 million to over $1 billion.
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Bringing the fleet up to scratch
May 1, 2008
As a way of helping improve our appreciation of BC Ferries capital requirements, Chief Financial Officer, Rob Clarke, stated that the average age of the fleet is greater than 32 years. There are several implications one can take from this statement but the most important is that for the last four decades we have been feeding off our capital base and now we face a very large ship renewal requirement. It presently looks as though the job of finding money for all those needed new vessels is expected to be from very much higher fares.
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Ups and Downs of the New Ferry Math
May 1, 2008
Since March 31, users of BC Ferries’ non-major routes are brushing up on their math, to try to keep track of what they’re going to be paying for travel, and to try to figure out where it can end. The fare increases which commenced on April 1 are the second round of hikes within five months. Together the two hikes have boosted minor route fares by 11% this year.
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Premier ducks question of ferry safety
April 17, 2008
Following the firing of a ferry captain for a recent close call in Active Pass, North Coast MLA Gary Coons stepped up the pressure on the government to force BC Ferries to enact all the recommendations found in the Morfitt Report. In the absence of the Transportation Minister, Coons fired off questions (in question period) to Premier Campbell, demanding accountability on behalf of ferry dependent communities.
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‘Let’s rock the boat,’ says protest organizer
April 3, 2008
Following the March 8, Gabriola-based ferry fare-hike demonstration in Nanaimo, a ship-board demonstration took place on March 27. Seventy protesters embarked on the noon ferry bound for Denman Island from Buckley Bay on Vancouver Island. The Denman and Hornby ‘footsies’ were protesting disproportionate ferry fare increases on minor routes connecting Gulf Island communities to the Mainland or Vancouver Island.
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New Prepaid Ferry Cards: Explaining the experience
April 3, 2008 | Patrick Brown
At the end of March, BC Ferries introduced a new wallet-size ExperienceTM Card which entitles the user to the discounted prepaid fare on any minor routes where it is offered (and even maintains ‘Travel History’ records that regular commuters can access to claim Income Tax deductions for transportation costs).
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Queen of the North—plenty of blame for management
March 20, 2008 | Patrick Brown
BC Ferry CEO David Hahn described the sinking of Queen of the North two years ago as the result of ‘human error’. The errors to which he referred were made by the two people on the bridge in the fourteen minutes before the ferry slammed into Gil Island in the middle of the night, sinking soon after, with the loss of two lives.
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Even Ferries Need to Fight Climate Change
January 24, 2008 | Gary Coons, MLA
More than 80% of British Columbia’s carbon emissions come from burning and producing fossil fuels. That is why any plan for carbon neutrality cannot omit the diesel fuel burning BC Ferry Fleet.
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Ferries (and government) Still on Autopilot
October 4, 2007 | Patrick Brown
If you thought this summer’s ferry fares were high enough, they’ll be 9.4% higher on the main routes next summer, and 8.1% higher on the other routes. And it won’t stop there. By 2011, fares on the main routes will be 45-50% higher than in 2003; on the other routes they’ll be 90-97% higher.
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Ferries on Auto Pilot IV: Fares to Increase
July 12, 2007 | Patrick Brown
Virtually all increases in the costs of operating coastal ferries will be paid by users.
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Ferry Advisory Committees on the Money
June 28, 2007 | Gary Coons, MLA North Coast
Ferry service is not a luxury - it is a necessity.
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Coastal Ferry Service Commentary
May 31, 2007 | Kevin Falcon & Tony Law
Letter sent by Kevin Falcon, Minister of Transport in reply to emails about the proposed rise in ferry fares.
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Ferries on Auto Pilot: III - The Subsidy Tradeoffs
May 17, 2007 | Patrick Brown
No increase in the basic ‘Service Fee’ to be paid by the provincial government to BC Ferry Services
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Ferries on Auto Pilot: II
May 5, 2007 | Patrick Brown
The Queen of the North was on autopilot with no-one at the helm when she crashed into Gil Island. She should have changed course; but didn’t.
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Ferries on Autopilot: I
April 19, 2007 | Patrick Brown
Over a year since the sinking of the ferry Queen of the North, BC Ferry Services says it was ‘human error.’
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Ferry fares to double between 2003 and 2012
April 19, 2007
BC Ferry Commissioner issues preliminary decision on fare caps.
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Islanders to have input into ferry negotiations
April 5, 2007
Ferry dependent communities will have a voice in the negotiation of the contract between BC Ferries and the Province.
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Queen of the North: what happened … but not why
April 5, 2007 | Patrick Brown
The recently published BC Ferries’ report on the sinking, a year ago, of Queen of the North supports the generally held conclusion that the ship had failed to turn to port at the bottom of Grenville Channel and had proceeded straight-on at fullspeed, colliding with the rocky shore of Gil Island fourteen minutes later.
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Time to Take a Stand on Ferry Service
March 22, 2007 | Priscilla Ewbank
I wish to share my views on BC Ferries’ change to the Friday evening departure time... First, I’d like to start by sharing my experience.
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BC Ferries to manage Sidney’s Anacortes ferry terminal
February 22, 2007
The Town of Sidney has announced a long-term lease arrangement with BC Ferries, under which BC Ferries will manage and develop the town’s international ferry terminal to the benefit of both parties.
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Safety reports galore–still waiting for the Queen of the North
February 8, 2007 | Patrick Brown
BC Ferries is at last talking about safety—and so are others. A second Transportation Safety Board (TSB) advisory relating to the January 9 Quinsam incident was released on January 22. Former Provincial Auditor George Morfitt’s long-awaited report on safety at BC Ferries was released on January 22.
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Ferries’ permitted profit of 14% includes ‘shadow’ taxes
January 25, 2007
BC Ferry Commissioner Martin Crilly has announced that the provincially owned private corporation, BC Ferry Services Inc, will be permitted to earn a 14% return on equity during Performance Term 2 (PT2), from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2012.
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Commentary on MV Quinsam: If They'd Tell Us, We’d Feel Safer
January 25, 2007
On Tuesday evening, January 7, vehicles were boarding the ferry MV Quinsam at Nanaimo when the ferry, apparently without warning, left the dock. The driver of the Gabriola-bound truck on the boarding ramp was able to escape, but his truck ended up in the water.
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Ferry fare increases unfair, says Islands Trust
November 16, 2006
The Islands Trust Council has recommended changes to the 2003 Coastal Ferry Act that would ‘keep public access to the Islands affordable for all.’
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BC Ferries now deciding future ferry fares and services
October 19, 2006
Decisions that will determine the fares and the level of ferry service for the rest of the BC coast from 2008 to 2012 will be made by the provincial government over the next six to nine months.
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Morfitt to audit ferry safety
July 27, 2006
Former Auditor General George Morfitt will start an independent review of BC Ferries’ safety policies, procedures and practices at once, with a report to be made public towards the end of the year.
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Ferry Fares Keep Adding Up
June 29, 2006 | Patrick Brown
On June 22, BC Ferries received approval from the Ferry Commissioner to implement its biggest fuel surcharge yet: 3.2% for the main routes, and 9.6% for the smaller routes.
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Auditor General Mulls Ferries’ Review
March 9, 2006 | Patrick Brown
Following a detailed submission from the BC Ferry and Marine Workers’ Union (BCFMWU), the Provincial Auditor General, Wayne Strelioff, may be considering an audit of BC Ferries Services Inc and the entire structure that links it to the provincial government, set up under the Coastal Ferries Act.
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Minister Says 'No' to Relocating Ferries
March 9, 2006
The BC Lodging and Campground Association recently met with BC Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon to request ‘that the ministry take a serious look at the economics of relocating the Tsawwassen to Duke Point and Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay ferry routes to one single route between YVR (the Vancouver airport) and the east side of Gabriola Island...'
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Fare Hikes, Cut-off Times and Commuter Cards Prompt Ferry Petition
March 9, 2006
A petition to BC Ferries has been initiated on Quadra Island... The petition states: ‘Those of us who live on the smaller coast islands have several serious concerns about the direction that the BC Ferry Corporation is taking...'
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No Shelter from the Storm — Ferry Protest
March 9, 2006
Hundreds of ferry users mounted a protest on the BC Legislature lawn, March 2.
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Cards to Replace Ferry Commuter Tickets
February 23, 2006
BC Ferries is proposing to replace discount commuter tickets with magnetic stripe cards.
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Privatization Begins with Mill Bay Ferry
November 17, 2005
When BC Ferries was ‘privatized’ into a provincially-owned private corporation, one of the provisions in the Coastal Ferries Act was that BC Ferries would aim to become a ‘service integrator’ and would seek other ferry companies to actually operate the ferries.
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BC Ferries Pursues ‘Alternative Providers’
November 3, 2005
BC Ferries has issued an RFEOI (Request for Expressions of Interest) to see who might be interested in operating the Mill Bay ferry...
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BC Ferries Acquires Ferry from Utah
September 22, 2005
BC Ferries has bought a ferry from the State of Utah for US$200,000 to use as a relief vessel on minor routes.
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Ferry News: Scanning the BC Ferries’ Website
July 28, 2005
If you want to find out what’s going on with BC Ferries, your first stop is their website.
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Queen of Oak Bay, Minus Cotter Pin, Safely Grounded
July 14, 2005
Just after 10am on June 30, the Queen of Oak Bay . . . unexpectedly lost power as it approached its Horseshoe Bay berth.
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BC Ferry Workers to Affiliate with International Transport Workers’ Federation
October 7, 2004
The membership of the BC Ferry and Marine Workers’ Union have voted 89% in favour of affiliation...
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A Series on BC Ferries’ Ships Being Built Outside BC
August 26, 2004
The few numbers BC Ferries has released indicate that they expect their new ferries to cost $170 million each if built in Europe, a total of $510 million...
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Deas Dock Dispute Mirrors Ferries Fracas
January 29, 2004
While arguments in Vince Ready’s binding arbitration of the contract dispute between BC Ferry Services Inc. (BCFS) and the BC Ferry and Marine Workers’ Union...
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Government Strips BCFS Assets
January 29, 2004
In the course of ‘privatizing’ the BC Ferry Corporation into BC Ferry Services Inc...
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Anatomy of a Labour Dispute
December 18, 2003
Job action, day by day.
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The Act that Wasn’t There
December 18, 2003
On Tuesday, December 9, at about the same time as the Union and the company were reaching agreement over the staffing of the Essential Services vessels...
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Mutual Respect Needed ~ Patrick Brown
December 18, 2003
Forget all that business about ferry workers being overpaid...
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Trumping the Labour Laws
December 18, 2003
One of the unique features of the Coastal Ferry Act is that it specifically trumps BC labour law.
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A New Offer from BCFS
December 18, 2003
At the marathon bargaining session on Thursday, December 11, BCFS presented a new offer to BCFMWU.
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A Very Special Corporation
December 18, 2003
The behaviour of BC Ferries is determined by the Coastal Ferry Act (Bill 18), passed by the current legislature on March 26, 2003.
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Letters about the Strike
December 18, 2003
I am a 16-year employee of BC Ferries. I am a wife, mother and grandmother...
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BC Ferries were Solvent Once
December 18, 2003
Throughout the 1990s, ferry committees from each Gulf Island were actively and regularly in consultation with BC Ferries...
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Many Years Before the Mast
December 18, 2003
BC Ferries was started by WAC Bennett in 1960, and so a significant number of employees have been with the company for many years...
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Special Report by Patrick Brown: ‘Privatized’ BC Ferries Goes Political
November 6, 2003
So soon after its conversion to a government-owned private corporation, BC Ferry Services Inc. has shown it cannot resist political tactics...
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Special Report on BC Ferries Restructuring by Patrick Brown: Full Speed Ahead, and Damn the Accountability!
January 30, 2003
BC Ferries’ new organizational structure is designed so that the provincial government can maintain control of the ferry service while avoiding responsibility for it.
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Special Report by Patrick Brown: Ferry Report Recommends Privatization, Increased Tariffs, even Bridges
January 31, 2002
Fred Wright’s December report on the fast ferries and the ferry corporation recommends privatization...
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Collection of Articles on Ferry Fare Dispute
November 1997–January 1998
This article contains a series of Island Tides’ articles recording a public outcry in 1997.
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